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Alfonso Gravalos

  • Alfonso Gravalos
    With more than thirty years of performance in the corporative world always in multinationals, he developed his career mainly in the Industrial areas, Quality and Project Management, having worked as Director for more than ten years.

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Our Products

All our products are based on Lean Manufacturing and WCM - World Class Manufacturing.

Our consultancies and trainings pass through a “customization” focused on the needs and culture of the contracting company before being applied, in order to maximize results.

We are able to run consultancy and training in: 

Strategic planning (Business Plan)

Business PlanEvery company independent of size needs a vision of short, medium and long term in order to well plan their actions and strategies on how attack the market, how approach and be  part of their customers' developments, new products launch, new technologies to put in place, etc.

Besides that, it is a basic and mandatory requirement in all Quality Systems Certification programs. 

A Business Plan well elaborated aids in the definition of investments, expansions and new technologies. It also allows anticipation to the customers' explicit and implicit needs and gives conditions to the companies to stay a step ahead in the market.

We aid in the creation of this planning and later in the implementation and attendance of it in order to assure planned results’ achievement and in case of adjustments’ need, we can be present to assure that corrective actions are put in place. 

Industrial diagnoses

We are able to run a complete analysis of the operations through production flow, organization and layout analysis, with the objective to localize and to quantify wastes or inefficiency points.

After the studies and analyses, we establish a list of recommendations and we create a formal "roadmap" to eliminate the losses and to increase productivity.

Coordination and support to the improvements’ plans.

As a consequence of the diagnosis project, AGX can be present in order to help to put in place the defined improvement plan and supply the necessary support to the success of the project. This support lasts just the necessary time for the program consolidation in the customer.

Investment analysis

Through tools of market demand evaluation, equipment use, maintenance historical data among others, we run studies of viability of new investments to assist not only the immediate market needs, but to also to prepare our customers for the future.

Quality Programs - Culture & intern and extern Quality performance evolution

Quality today is a survival subject.

A lot of organizations despite they desire and need of a Quality systematic approach in their  management, they are not able to put it in place due to the huge demand of information that arrives from their customers, suppliers, etc. 

Through the most modern Quality management tools we can run a project focused in the reinforcement and consolidation of Quality Concepts inside our customer. Together with the Quality, Production and Development customers' teams we implement programs that leads the organization to improvements in their internal and external Quality results.

Techniques as systemization of Q.R.Q.C. (Quick Response Quality Control) has shown highly effective and efficient 

People Development

Desenvolvimento de PessoasWhile productive processes are executed by equipments, the people are who put them in operation. 

With this in mind, we train your employees not only in the productive processes but we assure that they embrace the "Lean Production" philosophies.

The result that is reached with this is more than a factory in operation. It is a plant that constantly gives world class results. 

Project Management

ProjetosThe speed of the developments and new technologies needs more and more multifunctional teams in order to avoid  gaps or delays during the processes.

One of the scarcest resources nowadays is the time. A good project management culture accelerates the developments, reduces risks, and assures the quality, among other advantages.

AGX, through its professionals has conditions to implement the Project Management program in the customer or to aid in the performance's evolution in already implemented running programs.

Process Audits

We execute, guide and establish routines for process audits in order to reduce the existing variability in the processes.

Trainings and Workshops:

We have a program of trainings based in Lean Manufacturing:

  • 5S ("Housekeeping")
  • Production Management & Indicators
  • Project Management
  • Quality - Concepts and Tools
  • Elimination of Wastes ("MUDA" Hunting")
  • Deep flow Analysis ("Value Stream Analysis")
  • SMED - ("Single Minute Exchange Die")
  • Q.R.Q.C. ("Quick Response Quality Control").

Other Products:

Your need does not appear in our product's portfolio?

The training that you are looking for is not listed?

Share your problem with us and we will have enormous pleasure in being your partner in the solution's process.

We have wide technical material and programs that can be quickly adapted and adjusted to your need.

Discuss your problem with us. Get in contact through the link "contact."

AGX Solutions, your best partner in management.